You’ve just made the first step to making positive changes in your health!


The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is something we strongly believe at THS. Screening for diseases and preventing their development is key in having a longer, healthier, and more productive life. However, if you have already developed diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia or diabetes, then we are here to treat these and prevent them from getting worse. We utilize prescription medications as well as natural medical grade supplements to treat our patients. Let us help you achieve total health.

Being overweight is a major risk factor for a myriad of diseases. Weight loss can seem like a monumental task when you start off without the proper education: calories, BMI, weight loss pills, and fad diets. There are so many elements to consider when deciding how to go about shedding those unwanted pounds and they can all seem overwhelming on your own. A physician supervised medicthX6EFR84Zal weight loss program with Total Health Solutions can provide you with all the vital information that you need to succeed in becoming the NEW YOU!

If your goal is to lose weight, live healthier, feel better, look better, or if you have had little success with diets and gimmicks, now is the time to visit our clinic and have a consultation to create your individual weight loss plan outlining your path to success.

Total Health Solutions is a weight lossĀ and wellness facility
located in Trussville, Alabama:

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